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Announcements - Thursday 1st June 2017

Thursday, 1 June 2017


1.  Chaas for the month of June is sponsored by Kundanben Vinod Parekh.
2.  We had a visit by Ameet Jogia who is standing as candidate in North Brent constituency. (Tory Party) and Lord Popat. Mr Jogia gave a small talk on his plans and went around talking to members. It is so nice to see such a young man of Gujarati origin is going into politics at such a young age. We wish him all the luck.
3.  After lunch we had a program from Kavial and the subject was “Life, Death & Karma”. The talk was from psychiatry point of view and not connected to Hindu or any other religion. Members were engrossed in the talk which lasted for an hour and was followed by many questions.
4.  Next Thursday we have Minaben Modi talking about kidney donation and will recite her own personal experience. Program is arranged by Vanik Council (Manhar Mehta).
5.  On 25th June we have a play by Kiran Purohit in Wembley Pattidar Federation auditorium. Tickets are almost sold out. There will be no snacks or drinks provided as this involves lot of work from volunteers. But we have kept the time at mid day so members can enjoy food on Ealing Road after the play.
6.  On 4th July we have a day picnic in St Albans in Verulaiam Park. We will have some yoga in the morning followed by breakfast, and then members can walk around or play games and in the afternoon we will provide lunch. Charges are :
·        Members                          £10.00
·        Guests                             £15.00
·        Children upto 12              £10.00.
                IF YOU WISH TO DRIVE THERE :  
                           THEN YOU MUST REGISTER AND PAY :
·        £5.00 for members and children under 12 and £10.00 for guests.